Thursday, January 7, 2010

A Hitch in Switching Schools

Being too far behind in credits to graduate with his class, P has been attending a continuation school. However, this particular school relied mostly on independent study. He only met with a teacher once a week. I guess this approach works for some kids, but it didn’t work for P.

So, P and his mom found another continuation school that held classes every weekday. They were in the middle of the enrollment process when P moved back to Dave’s Home. Unfortunately when his new school found out about his change of address, they said he couldn’t enroll because he was now living outside of that school’s district!

This was another frustrating setback for P, and now he’s angry with me for telling the school about his address change. He thinks I should have entered his old address on the forms.  I'm uncomfortable doing stuff like that.  I told him it just leads to bigger problems.