Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Three Helpers in the Office

Today was one of those busier than normal days. First thing in the morning – I’m talking 8am – a social worker came by to talk with P and find out his plans. Before I found out about P moving back in, I had planned to take H & K with me to the office today rather than leave them in daycare again. I decided to stick with this plan and take P as well. What’s one more kid, right?

When the social worker finished with P, off the four of us went on the BART train to my office. P snapped this photo of us during the train ride. Boy do I look tired!

While I was working, the kids played their hand-held video games, watched a DVD on a laptop computer, and took a walk through a nearby park.

We left the office early in the afternoon. I joked with my office mates that this was because I had so much help that I finished my work in half the time. Actually H & K had an appointment to see their lawyer.

All foster kids have their own legal representation. These lawyers are an extra check to make sure things happen in the children’s best interest. They generally visit with the kids every six months, coinciding with court hearings. Along with the social workers, they must write reports for the judge in preparation for these hearings.

Next came dinner at Marie Calendars. We were all sick of eating Christmas leftovers and I had a hankering for their turkey pot pie. This particular restaurant has been around for at least 30 years. I remember going there on dates when I was in high school!

Our last errand of the day was to pick up P’s belongings and bring them back to Dave’s Home. I was worried that this might be a big job, but it turned out not to be. P has become a light packer while living away from Dave’s Home.

Finally home, the four of us had a nice soak in the hot tub before bed. Little K and I relaxed in the bubbles and steam while P & H dared each other to jump into the near freezing cold water of the main pool. When they reached the triple dog dare, P jumped in and just as quickly jumped out and ran back to the hot tub. Not wanting to be shown up, H did the same, screaming all the way. Crazy kids!