Saturday, November 28, 2009

Basketball Cancelled

The kids were supposed to have YMCA basketball practice this morning, but when we arrived at the gym there was a CYO “turkey shoot” youth tournament going on instead. Somehow we YMCA parents were not notified that practice was cancelled, even though it was clear that the CYO tournament was arranged in advance. Oh well.

We watched the CYO game for a while. When we got home there was a message from H & K’s mom. She said that there was a two-hour visit arranged between her and the kids for this afternoon, and apologized for the short notice. I guess this is the day for bad communication!

I arranged with the foster parents of H & K's three sisters to take them to this visit.  It's about a 40 minute drive from Dave's Home to where their mother is living.  No need for all three foster parents to make this drive!